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Vidya Vichari

Ta Parupkari.


While the Core Sewa of Sewak Jatha Dadar (SJD) since it's year of inception in 1957 has been, and also continues till date, of Preparation and distribution of Karah Parshad, Sri Sahib Sewa in Pandal, Jorha (shoes) Sewa and so on at large gatherings, SJD took a bold step of stepping into the arena of Education in 2007 as a gesture of celebrating it's Golden Jubilee Year.

This was initiated by S. Baghel Singh Ji, our former President. This step was taken considering that in today's times while we should stay connected with Gurmat, it is equally important that our Youth get the best of academic education for their all-round growth and development.

The year 2007 thus marked the inaugural Annual Felicitation Event where SJD started felicitating students passing the Std X Maharashtra Board Exams. Till date, we have felicitated more than 2000 students.

This Event is held on the last of Sunday of July every year. The next Event is thus on Sunday, 26th July 2020.

Under the guidance and dedicated service of S. Baghel Singh Ji, SJD has till date carried out numerous other Educational activities which have inspired other organizations as well.


For eg, after the start of our Annual Felicitation Events, Sri Guru Singh Sabha (Regd) - Dadar, which is our parent organization, followed our pattern and from the year 2009 they have started felicitating students of Std. 5th to 9th and of Std. 11th and 12th - those who excel in studies. 

Plus it is giving interest free loan to Sikh students for further studies. A welcome start in the Education Sector.


Considering the impact that the foresight of Baghel Singh Ji has had on our Society, for Sewak Jatha Dadar he is our "Lifetime Convenor".

Though he has retired now, he is always available on call and every ready to serve. To continue with the Educational Activities, he has passed on the baton to S. Narinder Singh who is the current acting Convenor, working with a very active team comprising mostly of Youth. 

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